Character Design: Kosuke Fujishima

◆Are there any parts of the character design for this game that you were particular about? When I create game characters, I always collaborate on what sorts of characters are wanted, and which direction their design should take.
If there are any setting elements, like weapons or cities, I try to contextualize that atmosphere to some extent, and it's reflected in their personalities, expressions, and clothing design.
Since this isn't manga and they're part of a larger flow, I tended to prioritize what is specified more than what I personally wish to do.

◆Within the game, the characters are shown to have another side to them as "split personalities," but do you also have a surprising side you usually don't show people? I'm not too sure what's surprising about myself.
I actually like to cook and indulge in that sometimes, but it feels similar to the mentality I have when creating models, so I personally don't find it surprising about myself.

◆When trying to see through someone's lie, what sort of method do you use? I don't often think about trying to expose a lie. The world would become boring if you invite suspicion anyway.

◆Do you have any other last words? I don't know how the game will turn out myself, so I'm looking forward to playing it.
From what I've seen of the graphics, the character designs are being handled with a lot of love, and I feel the system has many thrilling elements.
I would like to enjoy embarking into a new world together with everyone. I'll have to prepare a PS4 for myself before then.

Scenario Writer: Takumi Miyajima

◆Are there any particular parts about the depiction of the characters within the game's scenario that you were particular about? It's most likely the common point of the heroines' difference between their regular and split personalities.
It may seem completely different, but it's possible those feelings reside somewhere deep in your heart... that was the part I wanted to leave the players with in the end.
I also wanted people to see them as cute and charming.

◆Among the heroines, who is your personal favorite? They're all cute, so it's difficult to pick just one... However, Coo had the deepest impression on me.
Considering her character's temperament, she wasn't the kind to show her cute side outright, so she was the hardest character to make attractive to people.

◆Is there any part in the scenario that you wish people to give special attention to while playing? I had a lot of fun creating the enemy characters, so I'd love for people to play close attention when they appear.
They don't show up as much compared to the heroines, but I've imagined how fun and exciting their daily lives must be.

◆Within the game, the characters are shown to have another side to them as "split personalities," but do you also have a surprising side you usually don't show people? I'm the kind of personality that's easy to understand, with no real back or front, so I'd actually welcome an unexpected side.
If I had to think of something, I suppose I end up using baby talk when I speak to animals. I've been told I'm like Mutsugorou as well.

◆When trying to see through someone's lie, what sort of method do you use? I'm usually the one being decieved. I'm usually not one to think I'm being lied to in the first place, so I'm the type to completely believe you.
When I'm suspicious, I just repeat "Really?" over and over, so I'm an easy target for a fraudster, so I hope to learn how to see through a lie through playing this game.

◆Do you have any other last words? When I first given this project, the general development was also told to me. I became interested in the system, and so decided to take part in it.
It may hurt your heart to have to be suspicious of your allies who are such cute girls, but I believe part of the fun is not knowing which heroine might betray you, so I would be very grateful if you played through this game.