Turn Orders that Change in Real Time

◆Tactical Field Battle System

This game utilizes a battle system called the Tactical Field Battle System, in which turn order changes in real time, and allies and enemies battle mixed together. Each character's icon will move up the Tactical Wait Gauge, and when it reaches the ACT (Turn Start Position), it will be possible to input an action.The speed of an icon is based on a character's Speed, and an important characteristic is an icon's movement changing in real time, not pausing even when a character executes a basic Combo.

Tactical Wait Gauge
Character icons move up the gauge, and turn order can fluctuate. The icon's movement speed changes depending on the character's Speed, and faster characters can move past other icons and gain an advantage in battle.
An attack that can change the enemy icon's position, or cancel their attack. The power of a Charge attack is low, but it controls the enemy's behavior to some extent, and if used well, can give you an advantageous situation.

Basic Tactical Attacks


Combos are the basic attack techniques of the Valkyrie Force, which consists of executing pre-set attacks in succession. Including the first hit, it is possible to set up to 5 Combos. After selecting the command, you can select the Combo's Attack Level, and depending on the situation it is possible to use Combos from Lv. 1 to 3. Because you can set attacks in various combinations for each Level, it's possible to customize them into your own battle style. In addition, there exist Riot Combos that activate special effects based on a combination of specific attacks, which easily allows you to use powerful attacks. It is possible to include a Combo effective against a particularly strong enemy in any of the Attack Levels, and use your other Combos against enemies that isn't that one.

Attack Level
You can select a Combo Attack Level of 1 to 3.
Depending on the level, the amount of time to start the action differs. Lv. 1 attacks will have lower power but are executed quickly, while Lv. 3 attacks takes time, but cause more damage.
You will execute a series of pre-set Combo Attacks.
You can stop the enemy's gauge icon from moving during the attack.
Combo Settings
You will construct Combos depending on Attack Levels.
There are endless ways to battle by combining attacks with various effects. Build your favorite battle style!
Riot Combos
Riot Combos are Combos that gain special effects by setting another Combo with a specific type "one before" it. There are no particularly difficult conditions, so you can easily use powerful attacks.

Stop Time Itself!


Asahi and Valkyrie Force have a powerful means of attacking called Arts. A characteristic of Arts is that icon movement on the Tactical Wait Gauge will stop while in use. As Combos are "attacks where time does not stop," and Arts are "attacks where time stops," it will become a point within battle to use each according to the situation. Arts are more powerful than combos, but as they use up AP, it isn't suited for continual use. Like Combos, Arts also have an Attack Level, but as Arts have a set Level, there is no need to select a Level like with Combos. There also exist Arts that allow you to perform cooperative attacks with team members, and can be activated with the right conditions. As cooperative attacks are very powerful, they're sure to be the key to victory if used effectively.

During an Art, icons on the Tactical Wait Gauge stop, and a special animation is played.
Cooperation Arts
Cooperation Arts have the prerequisite of being in a compatible "Formation," and is possible to be used if there are no enemies between the icons of the characters who will participate in the attack.

Release Your Abilities!


Ignition is a command that can be activated by using TP, and increases the physical strength of the user. Ignition also has an Attack Level, and its effects change depending on the level. When activating Ignition, for every turn that passes Fatigue will accumulate. If this Fatigue amount exceeds a certain value, Cool Down is selected from Commands, or a character is KO'd, the Ignition will be released.

Activating Ignition
You can activate Ignition by using up TP (Technical Points), which accumulate from various actions like attacking. You can select the Attack Level when activating it, and the higher the level, the larger the effects you obtain.

Activate Power Beyond Your Limits


During Ignition, the Command Overdrive will appear. By using TP and activating Overdrive, you'll gain effects greater than with Ignition, and you will utilize the Valkyrie's full power. By being administered a large dose of an augmenting agent, the user is able to withstand the Valkyrie's output. As a result of Overdrive, turn order becomes faster. As turn order changes in real time, it is extremely important to increase this Speed, and if used effectively, you can take the initiative during battle. Therefore, it becomes necessary to fight strategically by watching the enemy's movements to see what timing you should activate Overdrive.

Activating Overdrive
During Overdrive, a large amount of the augmenting agent is administered by the TCS, and as a result the side effect of a Split Personality occurs. Personalities change, as well as the color of one's hair and eyes.
Attacks during Overdrive boast a tremendous power.
It greatly increases Speed, and it becomes possible to attack all at once.

Aim For a Chance at an All-Out Attack!

◆Pursuit Attacks

Enemies possess a Guard Gauge. By lowering this Guard value to 0, the enemy will enter a Down State, and the EX Combo that is set in the 5th slot of a Combo will activate. Also, if there is a paired character in the rear guard, there is a probability of activating a Side Attack, an extra attack by that character, and by further satisfying certain conditions, it's possible to use an Additional Attack. Additional Attacks are powerful simultaneous attacks by all members in the rear guard. During activation, it is possible to select either attacking a single enemy, or all enemies.

Sync Attacks
A sync attack is an attack by all members of the rear guard.
It is possible to activate if there is at least one person capable of performing the attack.

Formations Decide the Battle's Outcome!


Formations activate various effects for each character. The effects of a Formation are lost if even one person is KO'd. There are instances where the enemy is also in Formation and occasionally exhibits special effects. In this case, by defeating enemies and decreasing their numbers, it is possible to cancel their Formation effects. Fundamentally, Formations are set beforehand, but it is possible to use TP during battle to set it as well.

Formation Settings
It is possible to set your Formation within the regular Menu, but by using TP, it is also possible to change your Formation during battle.