Cast Comments

Gill LovecraftRyohei Kimura

Please share your thoughts on recording for this title.
It had been quite a while since the last recording, but I was genuinely happy that a new story was being told through a fan disc. Gill is an interesting character to portray, so I had fun playing him.
In this title, the story unfolds after the BEST ending of the previous game. Please tell us about which parts of Gill you got to re-experience, and any aspects that you felt had changed.
There are several parasites, but when it comes to Gill, the Lovelorn Parasite who had always dreamed of this moment, I thought, "He hasn't changed at all." Romance always involves two people, so your own effort isn't always enough. Sometimes, fate offers a hand. For Gill, that helped him marry the heroine. In the previous game, the main focus was on trying to start a relationship, so seeing him do so well while in love with the heroine made me really happy. There were also moments where I thought, "This is exactly how I envisioned him to be," haha.
Did this title have any highlights for you? Do you have any favorite scenes, or scenes that left a strong impression on you?
Gill is putting in effort for the heroine again in this installment. Even though gods are among them, he goes beyond what's typical and employs incredible methods to support the heroine as a human. That's the crucial part, so I hope you look forward to it.
This title is themed around "sweet and spicy," offering both sweetness and spiciness at once, and using chocolate mint as the main thematic coloring. In line with that, do you like chocolate mint? Also, if you have any sweets you'd recommend, please let us know.
I haven't eaten chocolate mint since I tried it as a child and didn't like it, so my opinion might change if I try it again now. My recommended sweet is Lotte's Choco Pie, which I always keep in the fridge to chill. It enhances the texture.
The fortune teller Merenice Levin, who appears as a new love interest in the Fan Disc, believes that everything is determined by fate, making him a "Destiny Parasite." In line with that, do you believe in fortune telling or fate? Also, if you have experienced anything that you would describe as "fate," please share.
I haven't had my fortune read before, but I do pay attention to that sort of thing. It doesn't hurt to heed advice, so if I'm told something helpful, I accept it. As for fate, I believe it plays a significant role in our lives. The turning points we face in life are an example of this. Not all of them are good, but I believe that certain things have made me change and contributed to where I am today. For that, I feel fortunate and grateful for them.
Please wrap up with a message for the players.
The release of a fan disc for "Cupid Parasite" is thanks to everyone who played and loved the game, and everyone who created and worked hard on it. Because you enjoyed the first game, I believe this title will prove even more entertaining. Please jump into Gill's story again and be swept away in these new episodes.

Shelby SnailKENN

Please share your thoughts on recording for this title.
I was happy to hear that the fan disc was going to be released. Moreover, at the "Dessert de Otomate 2023" event held on February 5th of 2023, I had the pleasure of performing a reading with the cast, and it was heartwarming to feel how the fans are supporting "Cupid Parasite" firsthand. Thanks to that atmosphere, I was able to record the fan disc with high spirits until the end. The story continues from where we last left off, and I believe that this time, it is packed with even more of Shelby's charm that couldn't be shown in the previous work.
In this title, the story unfolds after the BEST ending of the previous game. Please tell us about which parts of Shelby you got to re-experience, and any aspects that you felt had changed.
The last game started mostly with a business-like relationship between Shelby and the heroine, and the romance aspect was focused on them being novices at love. This time, the interactions with the heroine felt very fresh, ranging from thrilling romance to pure love. He smiled lovingly at the heroine a lot more often. However, he's still inexperienced when it comes to love, and playing a character with that conflict was fun. Because the relationship changed, it felt like each word he spoke was slightly different, or perhaps he became more articulate about his feelings than before. He often responds with short phrases like, "I see," or "Yeah," but I made sure to cherish and portray the emotions and thoughts that seep through those brief responses.
Did this title have any highlights for you? Do you have any favorite scenes, or scenes that left a strong impression on you?
In a certain scene, he makes a grand display. I liked his suaveness and the way he wove his words. It was a scene that really showcased his SS essence, and it felt great to perform. For those who enjoyed the previous game, I think you'll find scenes that will make you laugh this time too. Shelby isn't much of a jokester, but I like the occasional gag scene. It's endearing and funny how earnest he is. Shelby is serious and isn't trying to make anyone laugh, but sometimes, when it's clearly a comedic scene, that switch just flips on.
This title is themed around "sweet and spicy," offering both sweetness and spiciness at once, and using chocolate mint as the main thematic coloring. In line with that, do you like chocolate mint? Also, if you have any sweets you'd recommend, please let us know.
I love it. I used to think I didn't like it without even giving it a try, but once I finally ate chocolate mint ice cream, I got hooked and went through a phase where I was constantly eating Gari-Gari Kun popsicles and Baskin-Robbins. People often say it tastes like toothpaste, but it never bothered me. The dessert I've been into lately is cookies made with rice flour. They're covered with so much powdered sugar on top that you might wonder if there's more sugar than cookie. It's actually almost like eating straight sugar instead of a cookie, but I love that.
The fortune teller Merenice Levin, who appears as a new love interest in the Fan Disc, believes that everything is determined by fate, making him a "Destiny Parasite." In line with that, do you believe in fortune telling or fate? Also, if you have experienced anything that you would describe as "fate," please share.
I like whiskey and often peek into liquor stores in my spare time. Just yesterday, in a shop I usually pass by, I found a whiskey I had been desperately searching for online and in liquor stores. I thought to myself, "Wow, they have it displayed so casually, despite it being so rare!" It's a product with limited production, and hardly any make it into Japan. I felt like it was fate. I haven't opened it yet because it feels too precious, but I'm looking forward to enjoying it slowly.
Please wrap up with a message for the players.
To all the "CupiPara" fans, thank you for waiting! While the last installment was already great, this time the story is even sweeter and spicier, and new characters will be introduced, so I think you will enjoy it. For those who haven't played the previous game, I would be happy if you could play it in anticipation of the fan disc. In September*, the "Otomate Party 2023" will be held, so let's continue to boost "CupiPara" and the Parasite 7 together!

*This event occurred in September 2023.

Raul AconiteTaku Yashiro

Please share your thoughts on recording for this title.
There's a lot of post-story content in the sequel, which was really fulfilling. Moreover, the relationship built up with the heroine turned out to be wonderfully rewarding, which made me feel great.
In this title, the story unfolds after the BEST ending of the previous game. Please tell us about which parts of Raul you got to re-experience, and any aspects that you felt had changed.
His inherent innocence and honesty struck me as his charm points once again. Although innocence brings its own set of challenges, it allows him to confront problems head-on in his own unique way. I felt that his story, including his struggles, was depicted in a way only he could navigate. The biggest change is that he now has something important to him. However, in this game, that becomes a source of new worries. Unable to prioritize between work, hobbies, and his lover—things that can't be weighed against each other—he knows what he wants internally, but faces external disapproval. As he makes his decisions, he goes through a lot of growth, so I think we can see a slightly different Raul than before.
Did this title have any highlights for you? Do you have any favorite scenes, or scenes that left a strong impression on you?
As this story follows the BEST ending, it's incredibly sweet and spicy, and the exciting parts are particularly noteworthy. Among these, the fantastical elements characteristic of "CupiPara" are still memorable for me, like it's a fate that follows the story and Raul. Reading the script, I was surprised by the twists and turns and thought, "So that's where the story is going!" But it's precisely because Raul charges forward into these twists that we get his unique story, which diverges from typical otome game elements in a good way. By the way, the keyword for Raul's story is "seafood" [laughs].
This title is themed around "sweet and spicy," offering both sweetness and spiciness at once, and using chocolate mint as the main thematic coloring. In line with that, do you like chocolate mint? Also, if you have any sweets you'd recommend, please let us know.
I absolutely love it. It's a divisive flavor, but I'm quite fond of chocolate to begin with. And then there are flavors like chocolate mint, which aren't just sweet, but also have a combination of sweet and salty, or sweet and something else. Whoever first paired these flavors did an amazing job!
My recommended sweet is these chocolate chips from Hokkaido that I tried as a kid. They're so addictive that I could finish a whole box in one go [laughs]. I still love them, and recommend trying them if you haven't yet.
The fortune teller Merenice Levin, who appears as a new love interest in the Fan Disc, believes that everything is determined by fate, making him a "Destiny Parasite." In line with that, do you believe in fortune telling or fate? Also, if you have experienced anything that you would describe as "fate," please share.
I totally believe in fortunes, but tend to forget them quickly [laughs]. My excitement peaks during the actual fortune telling. It's fun and thrilling to think how accurate it is, but I guess I don't care much about the results. Even if the reading is bad, I'll probably forget about it by the next day. I might enjoy it from a mental distance, taking it as whimsical entertainment [laughs].

Speaking of fate, when I had just become a voice actor, I became friends with someone through a voice actor acquaintance at a training school. We talked about how great it would be to meet again through work, and before I knew it, he became a voice actor too. We unexpectedly reunited at an audition and both passed, and we ended up in the same stage group. We're still working together. I would definitely call that fate [laughs], and we're still close. I tend to see most events as inevitable, but this particular incident felt like our relationship was orchestrated, making me believe in fate. Oh! The friend who introduced us is the real Cupid!
Please wrap up with a message for the players.
I'm delighted to know you're looking forward to the release, which means you hold "Cupid Parasite" dear. Thank you very much. I believe this world left a strong impression on your first playthrough, and this time, the story waiting for you is equally compelling, so I really hope you'll play it. Raul's story is both sweet and thrilling, and it turns out to be wonderfully fantastical, so I'd be happy if you could enjoy it.

Ryuki F. KeisaiinJunya Enoki

Please share your thoughts on recording for this title.
It had been quite a while since I last portrayed Ryuki, and since my voice has deepened a bit, I initially worried about whether my pitch would be okay. However, once I started reciting the lines and mentioning color codes, the nostalgia helped me successfully complete the recording.
In this title, the story unfolds after the BEST ending of the previous game. Please tell us about which parts of Ryuki you got to re-experience, and any aspects that you felt had changed.
I felt that the character became significantly sweeter. We recorded some re-dubbed scenes, and compared to those, his manner of speaking has softened considerably. In the previous game, he'd say things like "whatever," but that's faded away, and he's become kinder. While the lines themselves were gentler, I was cautious not to overdo it and risk losing his character. I hope the players will be able to feel his kindness from the script.
Did this title have any highlights for you? Do you have any favorite scenes, or scenes that left a strong impression on you?
There were many scenes with a strong sense of allure, which made me think, "We can go this far in a fan disc?" However, after speaking with the staff, I learned that other characters had those types of scenes in the previous game, and it was only now that Ryuki's more provocative scenes were "unlocked." That was a bit of a surprise to me. I had no idea.
This title is themed around "sweet and spicy," offering both sweetness and spiciness at once, and using chocolate mint as the main thematic coloring. In line with that, do you like chocolate mint? Also, if you have any sweets you'd recommend, please let us know.
I'm not particularly fond of the cool sensation of mint. The last time I had it was probably in elementary school, so I've kind of forgotten the taste [laughs].
I do eat sweets occasionally, but I've never been particular about them, so it's hard to recommend any. I remember devouring all the dorayaki during a recording that was given to us as a gift from Asakusa, because it was so delicious.
The fortune teller Merenice Levin, who appears as a new love interest in the Fan Disc, believes that everything is determined by fate, making him a "Destiny Parasite." In line with that, do you believe in fortune telling or fate? Also, if you have experienced anything that you would describe as "fate," please share.
I've never really gotten into fortune telling. I'm about as invested in it as I am in hoping for a great fortune in my New Year's omikuji, but I don't really believe in it. I haven't thought much about fate either; I believe in forging my own path.
Please wrap up with a message for the players.
With this title unlocking Ryuki's more alluring scenes, I think those who have been looking forward to that will definitely enjoy it. Being able to release a fan disc is thanks to the support of all the fans, so I truly appreciate it. The story has good volume to it, and all the characters play significant roles, so I think everyone will enjoy it. Thank you very much.

Allan MelvilleMakoto Furukawa

Please share your thoughts on recording for this title.
It had been three years since the original recording in early spring 2020, so I was very happy that the story could continue in the form of a fan disc. Allan's route was a story that had a solid backbone of comedy and romance, so I got to enjoy his story anew while returning to Allan after so long. And of course, I couldn't help but laugh a little at Allan going through hardships [laughs]. I was rooting for him.
In this title, the story unfolds after the BEST ending of the previous game. Please tell us about which parts of Allan you got to re-experience, and any aspects that you felt had changed.
I felt that this game delves deeper into Allan's vulnerabilities and his own insecurities than before. The previous work portrayed his desire for the heroine to be happy and his love for her, but this work introduces insecurities unique to being in a relationship. I think humans naturally harbor some fear about the future, wondering how long they can stay with their loved ones or parents. I realized that Allan shares this fear, even as a fallen angel. In that sense, I believe there are many scenes that people can empathize with. Despite being a demon, his humanity is emphasized, making for an emotional route.
Did this title have any highlights for you? Do you have any favorite scenes, or scenes that left a strong impression on you?
I thought the setting was interesting from the start. Those who played other routes before playing Allan's might find it especially surprising to see what it means to choose the same way of life as Allan. The developments that stem from that are intriguing, and I think he ends up in a great position with a happy ending.
This title is themed around "sweet and spicy," offering both sweetness and spiciness at once, and using chocolate mint as the main thematic coloring. In line with that, do you like chocolate mint? Also, if you have any sweets you'd recommend, please let us know.
I love chocolate mint, and I think most chocolate mints out there are delicious. People say it tastes like toothpaste, but I don't think so at all.
I read online that there's a chocolate mint specialty shop in the outskirts of Kyoto's city center, so I'd like to visit it someday.
My recommendations would be the chocolate mint flavors from Seventeen Ice and Baskin-Robbins.
The fortune teller Merenice Levin, who appears as a new love interest in the Fan Disc, believes that everything is determined by fate, making him a "Destiny Parasite." In line with that, do you believe in fortune telling or fate? Also, if you have experienced anything that you would describe as "fate," please share.
I like and believe in fortune telling, but I want to change my destiny for the better.
Though it's slightly different from fortune telling, when I was just starting out as a voice actor, I prayed at a shrine wishing I would get more voice acting work, and on my way back, I got a call confirming a job. It made me feel like gods really do exist! Though they're a bit different from the gods in CupiPara—those gods are way too out there [laughs].
Please wrap up with a message for the players.
The name of the game is "Cupid Parasite," but they're hardly parasites anymore [laughs]. It's because the routes continue with each character overcoming their past issues alongside the heroine. I only know about Allan's route, but the fan disc is filled with the comedy and sweetness that are characteristic of "Cupid Parasite." I'd love to play Allan more if possible, but honestly, I'm not sure what the right direction for further development would be [laughs]. I would be happy if you could continue to love the work for a long time. Please enjoy it.

Peter FlageNobuhiko Okamoto

Please share your thoughts on recording for this title.
Being able to engage with "Cupid Parasite" and Peter anew was deeply moving for me. I think the original work has an eccentric and sharp edge to it, so it's wonderful to know people love it. Reflecting on it, the game has appeared at events like "Dessert de Otomate," so it's certainly popular. Also, when I talk about "CupiPara," my colleagues have been surprised about the voice of Peter and ask, "Are you sure that's the right interpretation of his character?" [laughs]. I'm happy to be part of such a project.
In this title, the story unfolds after the BEST ending of the previous game. Please tell us about which parts of Peter you got to re-experience, and any aspects that you felt had changed.
Compared to the original, I wanted to play Peter a bit cooler, as he wasn't initially designed to draw you in like a typical otome character. In the previous game, I aimed to convey a divine or not-of-this-world aura, while portraying this guy as a not-so-ordinary assistant director, but this time, I tried making him more ordinary and ultimately closer to an otome character.
Did this title have any highlights for you? Do you have any favorite scenes, or scenes that left a strong impression on you?
The resilience of Peter (Jupiter)'s twin brother, Zeus, was amusing. Zeus was a pretty intense character in the original, and that hasn't changed. However, I think Peter has grown into his role as the leader of the gods even more. I'd like the audience to enjoy the romance with a more mature Peter. I portrayed him more like the handsome love interest in otome games, so you can play with more peace of mind [laughs].
This title is themed around "sweet and spicy," offering both sweetness and spiciness at once, and using chocolate mint as the main thematic coloring. In line with that, do you like chocolate mint? Also, if you have any sweets you'd recommend, please let us know.
I used to eat chocolate mint more as a kid, probably because there was a Baskin-Robbins nearby, but as an adult, I tend to choose regular chocolate or non-chocolate mint flavors. My current sweet recommendation would be a sablé or biscuit, especially the sablés from Alban Guilmet, which are truly delicious!
The fortune teller Merenice Levin, who appears as a new love interest in the Fan Disc, believes that everything is determined by fate, making him a "Destiny Parasite." In line with that, do you believe in fortune telling or fate? Also, if you have experienced anything that you would describe as "fate," please share.
I absolutely love it as entertainment. I think it's a very fun activity. Bad fortunes can be a downer, but they're interesting to get since I can tell everyone about them. Small blessings or minor fortunes feel sadder to me than outright bad ones [laughs]! Far more challenging to respond to.
I believe in fate and connections, and I think that expressing your desires can sometimes lead to their fulfillment. I got the opportunity to travel abroad for work after expressing such a wish.
Please wrap up with a message for the players.
I think everyone, both actors and fans, were surprised by a sequel to "CupiPara." While playing the game is fun, I personally find performing in front of an audience to be the most fun part of this project. Acting out the characters during live readings in a bizarre battle royale of personalities is the best. So while I enjoy the game, I'd be delighted if there's another opportunity to perform in front of everyone and share some laughs.

Merenice LevinYuto Uemura

Please share your thoughts on recording for this title.
At first, I thought of him as a mysterious and atmospheric character, somewhat elusive, like a fortune teller should be. The other characters are very unique, but I found him particularly so [laughs]. As we spent time together, I expected his layers to gradually unveil, but instead, there was a moment where a switch flipped, and from there, the developments came like a torrent, making the story enjoyable and fun to record.
Can you tell us about Merenice's charm? Was there anything you focused on while playing him?
Since he's 24 years old, I initially thought he might have a youthful vibe, but there was direction to portray him as calm and divining. I also wanted to bring out a mysterious feeling, like "I can see everything," but I ended up portraying him in a more powerful manner than I first planned. I tried to enjoy the process while preserving his unique perspective. In doing so, I took care in portraying his genuine side, the joy of spending time with someone whose fate he cannot see, and his fervent desire for companionship, highlighting his changes throughout the story.
Did this title have any highlights for you? Do you have any favorite scenes, or scenes that left a strong impression on you?
The opening narration became a key element to Merenice's story, so I remember that scene very well. I hope it remains in the hearts of everyone who plays. And then there are the donuts. I personally love donuts. Merenice sees fate through the holes of donuts, but in reality, he can see fate without it. Ultimately, I think he uses donuts for fortune telling because he just wants to eat them, which I found quite adorable.
This title is themed around "sweet and spicy," offering both sweetness and spiciness at once, and using chocolate mint as the main thematic coloring. In line with that, do you like chocolate mint? Also, if you have any sweets you'd recommend, please let us know.
My affinity for chocolate mint has grown over the years. I've always liked sweets, and I prefer them to be purely sweet without anything else added. However, as I've grown up, I've started to appreciate not just sweet flavors, but also sweet and salty combinations, as well as sweet mixed with other flavors. Chocolate mint might not have an appetizing color [laughs], but once you try it, it's kind of interesting. Finding chocolate mint among other classic flavors always brings me joy. As for recommended sweets, going back to donuts, I find salty donuts delicious. There are ones with coated nuts, where the sweetness comes only from the dough, and the overall taste is salty. It's not sweet and salty, but salty and sweet, with salty coming first. Please give it a try.
The fortune teller Merenice Levin, who appears as a new love interest in the Fan Disc, believes that everything is determined by fate, making him a "Destiny Parasite." In line with that, do you believe in fortune telling or fate? Also, if you have experienced anything that you would describe as "fate," please share.
I'm a believer, indeed. Just yesterday morning, I had melonpan, and during the lunch break of a recording, I found another tempting melonpan and ate it. Then, on my way home, I stumbled upon a melonpan cart. I decided the day was fated for melonpan and ended up eating it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner [laughs]. This title features lots of donuts, so it made me hungry a lot!
Also, I'm a sucker for limited items. If I see there's only one item left, I'll definitely buy it.
Please wrap up with a message for the players.
Being able to join as a new romanceable character after three years felt like an honor.
The characters each have their struggles, but the game maintains a soft, pop-y atmosphere, making it easily accessible for everyone. Once you dive in, you find a world with a lot of dimension. With its sweet and spicy theme, I think this title offers many flavors. I believe Merenice turned out to be a character that isn't what you expect based off first impressions, but is still appealing. Since you've read this interview, it must be destiny, so I'd love for you to purchase the game. I'd be happy to continue seeing fate together with everyone.

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