01Attack with skills while grazing!
It's possible to use skills even while grazing, so don't let the invincibility go to waste, and try attacking the enemy! However, it will drain more AP, so you risk running out while moving. Be careful!
02 Buy time to recover your barrier by grazing!
When your barrier is destroyed, it will recover as time passes. However, every hit you take will reset its cooldown. By grazing and making use of the invincibility, you can safely pass the time until your barrier recovers.
03Change your destination while moving!
The tile that each unit can move to at the same time is shared, but you can change your destination even while moving, so depending on the situation, you can repeatedly give commands and approach or evade freely.
04Use characters with a large barrier gauge as a shield!
When you can't use graze or intercept bullets, try using a character with a large barrier gauge as a shield. Even if the barrier takes damage, you can charge your Spell Gauge, so taking damage on purpose is another way to inch closer to your Ace Spell Cards.
05Prepare for a comeback by moving as one!
After moving all allies by using Quick Controls and escaping to a safe location, try using area skills for recovery or buffs. If your allies closest to enemy bullets graze them, you can also fill your Spell Gauge.
06Evaluate the situation to choose the right skill!
It's easier to erase bullets with wide-ranged skills, but their power is low. Skills that target individual enemies have less bullets, but are more powerful. Depending on if you're surrounded or if you want to push your advantage, analyze the field and choose skills accordingly.
07Erase enemy bullets with a bomb and follow up with a skill for big damage!
When your allies are ready to attack, you can aim for big damage by erasing enemy bullets and attack without risking their cancellation. You can also destroy obstacles on the map to ensure your Ace Spell Cards hit.
08Make use of the movement effects of your Ace Spell Cards!
There are some Ace Spell Cards that move through tiles or ignore tiles completely and continue to move. If used effectively, you can evade attacks or deal large damage to all units, but that ally may be targeted, so cover them with attacks and bombs.
09Use the character selection ring to have an ally attack a specified enemy!
By aligning your cursor with an enemy and holding down the skill button, you'll display the character selection ring and can easily instruct who should attack. Make use of character-specific skills to take them down!
10That one is particularly dangerous! Hurry and Graze!
You can display the character selection ring even when moving or grazing. Quickly move allies that are near dangerous enemies to a safe location and protect them from attacks.
11Combine offense and defense with simultaneous movement and attacks!
You can attack while moving or grazing. You can have allies aim for helpful Attributes while concentrating your fire and defeating enemies, or you can escape to a location with less enemy bullets while releasing your own barrage to deal damage.
12Fill lots of your Spell Gauge with grazing!
If you have extra AP, one strategy is to graze towards enemy barrages and instantly fill your Spell Gauge. Slip through the enemy's fierce attack, then launch a counterattack with Spell Cards.