

Alan Melville
"I brought it with me, hoping I'd get to share it with you.
So? What do you think? Feels nice, doesn't it?"
"Y-You're talking about the pillow, right?"
Alan Melville
"Of course—what else?"
Allan snickered softly, then ran his fingers through my hair.
(He's not wrong—the pillow really is surprisingly comfortable...)
But still—he threw me on the bed and then started hovering over me, with no chance for me to escape. It felt like a cheap trick.
Alan Melville
"Well? You didn't answer my question."
"Umm... I can't really concentrate on the pillow itself. Maybe you should get off me..."
Alan Melville
"Oh, but I need to double-check it to make sure the fit is right."
Alan Melville
"I need make sure it's lifting your shoulders, and the angle of that cute little chin of yours."
Alan Melville
"If your face is at a weird angle instead of being parallel to the ceiling, that could be bad..."
"Then you really do need to move, right? How else can you tell if I'm parallel?"
Alan Melville
"Oh, when I'm looking directly at you like this, I can definitely tell."
Allan narrowed his eyes the tiniest amount, and took my chin in his hand.
I couldn't deny the allure of the way he moved his fingers. My heart skipped a beat.

But in the end, I didn't need to worry— nothing happened.
He really was just measuring the angle of my chin.
(Hrmm... What the heck is going on?)
Even though a man had just come in and thrown me down on the bed, I didn't feel like I was in any danger.

The romance movies Aunt Minerva had shown me had scenes just like that. Watching those moments always made my heart race.

And yet, this was completely different from that.

It was obvious he wasn't trying to make a move on me. There was simply no way to misunderstand the situation at this point.
(After all, he's the Thieving Parasite, right? He only goes for girls that are already in love.)
But just because of the way he acts, women must think he's hitting on them anytime he touches them in any way.
"Um...what are you doing?"
Alan Melville
"I'm trying to help you relax, so you can get a good night's sleep."
He gave a small laugh and kissed my ear playfully.